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L'Altro Sud-UDS già membro  del Partito europeo dell'EFA (European Free Alliance) e dell'APL(Alleanza dei Popoli liberi). Aderisce al gruppo dei partiti autonomisti nazionali per un "Patto di Autogoverno". Collabora con l'Istituto Internazionale per il Regionalismo e il Federalismo presso Monaco di Baviera 


L’Altro Sud is a cultural-political movement which is inspired  by European Regionalism. The South of Italy (Two Sicilies) is an ancient and authoritative nation with about eight centuries of common history. The purpose of this organization is to contribute, with other European territories, at the construction of a Europe of the Peoples and of the Cultures. Defend the interests of the Southern Italian Regions in a Europe of the solidarity and identity.



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 La bustina suddista    
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L'Altro Sud riporta Le Due Sicilie in Europa (vedi il filmato)

I"l nostro è un Paese in pezzi. Ripeterlo fa paura, ma non è detto che sia un male" . Un libro infuocato, che irrompe con forza nel dibattito politico e tratteggia scrupolosamente gli scenari di un futuro che non è mai stato così prossimo.




 Siti di riferimento collegati    

 APL (Alleanza Libera dei Popoli)

  EFA  (European Free Alliance)

Esquerra  (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya:partito nazionalista progressista Catalano)

BNG (Bloque Nacionalista Galego:partito nazionalista progressista Galiziano)

BLOC (El BLOC Nacionalista Valencià:partito nazionalista progressista Valenziano)

SNP (Scottish National Party: partito nazionalista progressista Scozzese) 

di Lerro Giorgio



"STEFANO" Prodotti di alta qualità




Fermiamo lo scempio in Basilicata dove si potrebbe destinare fino al 70% del territorio regionale allo sfruttamento petrolifero. Serve una mobilitazione permanente delle popolazioni meridionali contro questa violenza dello stato italiano che continua a considerare il Mezzogiorno solo una colonia da spremere e che ha consegnato i nostri territori alle compagnie petrolifere



Video "Un Altro Sud c'è". Rassegna di immagini del Sud stereotipato della criminalità e del degrado contrapposto al Sud positivo, della gente perbene, degli eroi, della cultura, dell'arte, della Storia di un popolo che è stato Nazione per otto secoli.


L'ALTRO SUD aderisce a

 Traditional Minorities    




"United in diversity", states the European Union. The European Parliament needs to guarantee that we live up to that statement and defend our diversity, a diversity which is best measured by the well being of Europe’s national and linguistic minorities.

Role of the Intergroup
The Intergroup serves as an open forum for exchanging ideas and views on the situation and future of traditional minorities, national communities and languages. In order to promote awareness and understanding of minority issues in Europe, the Intergroup serves as a meeting point for political groups, European institutions, non-governmental organisations and minority representatives. 


Nicola Perrini, ingegnere, docente di elettronica con numerose esperienze professionali - in particolare nel campo delle Energie Rinnovabili e dell'impiantistica industriale - è attualmente Coordinatore Nazionale de L'Altro Sud-UDS. Meridionalista doc, è autore stimatissimo di numerosi contributi sulla Questione Meridionale e sulle nuove opportunità di sviluppo del Mezzogiorno. 


ORA PENSIAMO A NOI. Diamo forza alle nostre realtà produttive.

Dei prodotti che i cittadini meridionali acquistano, solo il 6% è made in Sud. Un consumo più consapevole potrebbe ribaltare il destino della nostra terra.

Ti invitiamo a comprare, dove è possibile, prodotti del nostro Sud o fare una vacanza nelle nostre bellissime regioni. Inviaci il tuo nome, costruiremo insieme, con orgoglio, un grande esercito di cittadini che, amando la propria comunità, scende in campo concretamente per difendere l'occupazione e la ricchezza di tutto il Mezzogiorno. 

Inviaci la tua adesione a:


Intervista ad Antonio Gentile (presidente L'ALTRO SUD)



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Caserta non è solo camorra e "monnezza"

 Ci bastava Caligola a fare senatori i cavalli!

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 Partita la campagna "100 BANCHETTI" e la raccolta firme contro Brunetta    
Luogo: BlogsL'ALTRO SUD    
Inviato da: 17/09/2010 16.56

Partita la campagna "100 BANCHETTI" e la raccolta firme contro Brunetta

Grande partecipazione di stampa e pubblico alla manifestazione di protesta contro le affermazioni del Ministro Brunetta mercoledì 15 settembre 2010 a Napoli presso la pizzeria Sorbillo. Nell’occasione è stata presentata la raccolta firme per chiedere le dimissioni del Ministro che è continuata giovedì 16 in via Scarlatti a Napoli dove si sono raccolte centinaia di firme in poche ore. La raccolta, che rientra nell’iniziativa “100 BANCHETTI” si rinnoverà nelle prossime manifestazioni e rassegne organizzata da L’ALTRO SUD.
Di seguito, il testo della petizione che invieremo al Ministro.
"Con la presente petizione si chiede al Ministro Renato Brunetta di dimettersi dal proprio incarico.
Questa petizione è inoltrata a seguito delle recenti dichiarazioni che lo stesso ha reso su Napoli, Caserta e la Calabria: «Se non avessimo la Calabria, la conurbazione Napoli-Caserta, l’Italia sarebbe il primo paese d’Europa […]». La conurbazione Napoli-Caserta è «un cancro sociale e culturale. Un cancro etico, dove lo Stato non c'è, non c'è la politica, non c'è la società».
Tali dichiarazioni sono evidentemente intrise di razzismo anti-meridionale. Con esse si dipinge le aree citate, e con esse tutto il Mezzogiorno, solo come un luogo di degrado, criminalità ed emarginazione facendo un torto a quei milioni di cittadini onesti, efficienti e lavoratori che vi abitano ed a quelli che, pagandone le conseguenze personalmente, fanno di tutto per dare a queste terre il futuro che merita.
Ma ciò che è più grave è che dal Ministro non arrivano proposte concrete come sarebbe normale che fosse. Solo insulti insomma. Ma di Ministri che, nel vuoto di idee e volontà di fare qualcosa per il Mezzogiorno, usano solo gli insulti, non ne abbiamo certo bisogno.
Si chiede pertanto, al Ministro in indirizzo, di dimettersi dal proprio incarico con beneficio del bilancio dello Stato e della dignità dei cittadini meridionali."
Si allegano n° ………..firme.
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Commenti (12)   Aggiungi Commento
Re: Partita la campagna "100 BANCHETTI" e la raccolta firme contro Brunetta    Da Asterix a 18/09/2010 9.17
Brunetta è solo un fannullone!

Re: Partita la campagna "100 BANCHETTI" e la raccolta firme contro Brunetta    Da grecanico a 21/09/2010 8.31
<br>(Fonte 1): <br>«Se non avessimo la Calabria, la conurbazione Napoli-Caserta, o meglio se queste zone avessero gli stessi standard del resto del Paese, l’Italia sarebbe il primo Paese in Europa» A Brunetta preme semmai mettere in evidenza un sistema malato ben rappresentato dalla «conurbazione» Napoli-Caserta che è «un cancro sociale e culturale. Un cancro etico, dove lo Stato non c’è, non c’è la politica, non c’è la società». (….)<br>La soluzione per Brunetta è il federalismo. «È la grande strategia di liberazione, per tutto il Sud». Se fallisce, «c’è la spaccatura del Paese» <br><br>(Fonte 2):<br>A) La popolazione di Napoli sfiora i 3.100.000 abitanti risultando di conseguenza la terza provincia più abitata d’Italia (nonché la più popolata del Mezzogiorno); la densità abitativa risulta pari a 2.625,1 abitanti per Km/q, dato per il quale Napoli risulta essere la prima provincia nella relativa graduatoria a livello nazionale. Riconquista inoltre il primato in graduatoria per il numero di componenti per famiglia (2,87). Ben l'82,6% della popolazione risiede nei 38 centri con più di 20.000 abitanti, un dato che risulta essere il terzo in Italia ed il primo nel Mezzogiorno. La provincia di Napoli, insieme alla limitrofa Caserta, è una delle aree nazionali in cui la popolazione risulta essere più giovane, circostanza che viene confortata dalla presenza della maggiore percentuale in Italia di under 14 (18%) e dalla più bassa percentuale di incidenza degli ultrasessantacinquenni (14,2%). Infine il numero di residenti stranieri è, in valore assoluto, il più alto della regione e colloca la provincia al 15° posto nella graduatoria nazionale.<br>La struttura per età della Provincia di Caserta si presenta straordinariamente giovane, al pari di quella della vicina Napoli: la quota degli under 14 sul totale della popolazione (17,5%) è infatti la seconda più alta in ambito nazionale, preceduta solamente dal capoluogo di regione. Al contempo la percentuale di over 65 risulta essere la seconda più bassa del paese (14,6%). L’analisi della piramide dell’età per sesso mette in mostra un certo deficit di uomini in età lavorativa, comunque in linea alla media nazionale, mentre la componente femminile presenta un certo esubero.<br><br>B) Ammontano a 73.590 le imprese registrate nel Casertano. II 55% circa di queste opera nei settori agricolo e commerciale. Un peso di assoluto rilievo è assunto da quelle imprese che svolgono attività dedite all’edilizia (16,1%). Queste percentuali assumono particolare valenza anche in ambito nazionale. Le imprese artigiane costituiscono solo il 16,5% del totale, dato che colloca la provincia fra quelle con la minore penetrazione del settore in Italia insieme alle altre realtà campane. Continua a registrare buoni risultati il tasso di evoluzione delle imprese, sebbene in discesa nel corso dell’ultimo triennio, è comunque superiore al corrispondente dato relativo all’Italia (0,68 contro 0,05), collocandosi al 26° posto nella relativa graduatoria. Questo è conseguenza del livello di natalità imprenditoriale alto, pari a circa 8,31 che pone la provincia al 10° posto in Italia. L’analisi delle imprese per dimensione (espressa dal numero di addetti), mostra l’assoluta prevalenza della micro-impresa. Molto rilevanti infine le percentuali di imprese giovani (che hanno cioè meno di nove anni) che rappresentano il 50,1% della locale imprenditoria a fronte del 47% rilevato in campo nazionale.<br>Le imprese casertane producono lo 0,92% del Pil nazionale. In termini pro-capite questa performance si traduce nel 95-esimo valore nel Paese, con un ammontare pari a poco più di 16.131 euro in lieve diminuzione rispetto al periodo precedente. La situazione, comunque di grave ritardo, è migliorata nel corso degli ultimi anni: il ritmo di crescita della provincia è stato, infatti, tra il 1995 ed il 2004 del 2,2% di livello superiore a quello nazionale (1,5). <br>Sebbene in termini assoluti il numero di imprese presenti nel napoletano sia il terzo in Italia (quasi 228.000 unità al 31-12-2008),<br><br>C) Invece, la Provincia dei Fausti Natali di Renato Brunetta (Venezia, 26 maggio 1950):<br>Nella provincia di Venezia al 31.12.2008 sono registrate circa 72.000 imprese in lieve rialzo positivo rispetto alle precedenti 71,47 mila imprese, di queste, il 13,5% sono concentrate nel settore dell'agricoltura in lieve calo di circa mezzo punto percentuale, l’ 11,7% nell’industria e il resto nei servizi. Nella distribuzione settoriale risulta particolarmente rilevante il peso sia del settore alberghi e pubblici esercizi sia del settore dei trasporti che fanno osservare percentuali di incidenza più elevate rispetto a quelle che si registrano a livello nazionale. <br>Nel 2005 si è osservata una crescita nel numero di imprese (1,48 contro il precedente 2,2), inferiore rispetto al dato nazionale in calo rispetto al dato precedente e che continua a diminuire nel 2006 fino ad arrivare allo 0,69. Notiamo come il tasso di evoluzione risulta quasi invariato nel 2007 con un valore pari a 0,70 mentre nel 2008 inizia a sentire gli effetti della crisi che portano tale tasso ad un valore negativo pari a -0,30 che eguaglia il dato di Vicenza ed è inferiore a quello di Belluno; tali risultanze sono da mettere in relazione con il dato concernente il tasso di natalità delle imprese (7,17 contro il precedente 7,93) rilevato nella provincia veneta, ed inferiore rispetto a quello italiano (7,32), che la colloca 65-esima nel contesto nazionale mentre il tasso di mortalità pari a 7,48 risulta superiore al dato di riferimento nazionale pari a 7,27. Il risultato ottenuto da Venezia per l’indicatore relativo alla densità imprenditoriale per 100 abitanti, pari a 8,43 pressoché stabile, pone la provincia al 73-esimo posto tra le province italiane. Il Baricentro economico dal 2003 si è spostato dal comune di Quarto d’Altino al comune di Chioggia e ad oggi rimane invariato. <br><br>Una supplica a chi si trovasse a leggere queste patetiche righe:<br>per cortesia, potreste dire al Ministro Brunetta che, senza il Contributo delle Provincie di Napoli e Caserta, il sistema industriale italiano non solo non sarebbe il primo in Europa, ma scivolerebbe parecchio in giù nel ranking mondiale, sia in quantità delle esportazioni che in qualità del Made in Italy? Che senza Napoli Caserta e la Calabria i consumi scenderebbero tanto, troppo, e di conseguenza anche il fatturato di tantissime, troppe, aziende padane? Che senza Napoli Caserta e la Calabria andrebbero in crisi anche le entrate delle finanza pubblica? Che i fornitori di Napoli&Caserta non sono facilmente sostituibili per la domanda padana, mentre i clienti padani sono facilmente sostituibili per gli imprenditori del Mezzogiorno?<br>Grazie.<br><br>Conclusioni (per ora):<br>L’Onorevole Rappresentante della Nazione, Ministro del Governo, Prof. Dr. Brunetta, ha raggiunto la Sua massima elevazione quando si è confessato ex bamboccione (vedi fonte 3), definendosi –ipso facto - uomo maggiorato in sciocchezza e goffaggine (vedi fonte 4). Alla faccia di quanti, e son troppi, soffrono di codesta condizione, da loro non ricercata né voluta. Neanche dai loro genitori, che preferirebbero passare allo status di nonni. C’è solo da chiedersi: la condizione di bamboccione gli sia stata imposta dal Fato, come agli Altri, o da una preoccupata precauzione dei Genitori? Da genitore propenderei per la precauzione. Ed il tempo ci dà quasi sempre ragione.<br>Ma l’ex bamboccione deve aver subìto una lavata di testa, perché ha dichiarato al tubo catodico della RAI (fonte 5): <br>"La verità - ha detto Brunetta, tornando sul tema del fenomeno dei bamboccioni - è che la coperta è piccola e quindi non ci sono risorse per tutti. Secondo me si deve agire sulle pensioni di anzianità, quelle che partono dai 55 anni di età. Facendo in questo modo si potrebbero trovare risorse che consentirebbero di dare ai giovani non 200 ma 500 euro al mese". <br>E via col vento……..con le amenità; col marketing di terza mano, quello del: tanto chi se ne frega, tanto non succede niente, basta che se ne parli.<br>Onorevole Rappresentante della Nazione, Ministro del Governo, Prof. Dr. Brunetta, Lei è la dimostrazione di un antico adagio: essere uno Sfigato&Perdente non è – necessariamente - un Disastro esistenziale, bensì una possibile Fortuna. Sempre che si incontri un Potente&Padrone. Sin dall’antichità classica, il Potente&Padrone ha normalmente scelto lo Sfigato&Perdente per la Funzione di Paravento&Paraculo; tanto, nel caso si bruci, era – ed è - facilmente sostituibile. Basta che l’usciere urli: …Avanti il prossimo, c’è un posto vacante! L’atrio dei Potenti è sempre zeppo di bipedi, aspiranti quadrupedi.<br>Mi ascolti, da vecchio studioso dei sistemi di marketing, mi permetto di suggerirLe quanto segue: tenga ben strette le labbra.<br>Spero addio, bamboccione: <br><br><br>Fonti:<br>1)<br>2) ©2008 Starnet-Unioncamere - Piazza Sallustio, 21, 00187 Roma - Tel. 06 47041<br>3)<br>4)<br>5)<br><br><br>

Re: Partita la campagna "100 BANCHETTI" e la raccolta firme contro Brunetta    Da Gaetano a 22/09/2010 8.16
@ Grecanico: molto interessante il contributo che hai pubblicato!! veramente interessante! chissà se brunetta l'ha letto e cosa ne pensa!?

Re: Partita la campagna "100 BANCHETTI" e la raccolta firme contro Brunetta    Da grecanico a 22/09/2010 15.14
brunetta, chi?<br>ciao, grecanico

gli amici alcoolici del bamboccino brunettino    Da grecanico a 24/09/2010 9.02
La Fonte 1. scrive:<br>SOVRAINDEBITAMENTO, AL SUD LA MAGLIA NERA<br>20/09/2010.<br>La fotografia che elabora i dati relativi al livello di liquidità e di indebitamento delle famiglie italiane ci suggerisce che i debiti affliggono soprattutto le famiglie di Campania, Sicilia e Puglia. Ancora una volta, è il sud del paese a patire il peso maggiore di un’economia che non riesce a stare al passo delle regioni più virtuose. La differenza tra livello di liquidità e indebitamento ha dato origine ad un indice sintetico che illustra il differente rischio da sovraindebitamento delle 20 aree del paese. La graduatoria delle regioni marca, di nuovo, una separazione netta tra il nord e il resto dell’Italia. Il minor rischio si registra in Valle d’Aosta, ma tra i migliori si piazzano anche Liguria, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Umbria e Veneto. Per il calcolo del rischio da sovraindebitamento è stato preso in esame un pool di indicatori (14) che esprimono, da un lato, il grado di obbligazioni assunte dalle famiglie italiane e, dall’altro, lo stato di liquidità. Il rischio si concentra nel mezzogiorno in quanto, in queste aree, a un “certo livello” di obbligazioni assunte corrisponde una bassa liquidità (redditi e depositi) enfatizzata tra l’altro da criticità nel mercato del lavoro (disoccupazione e scarsa occupazione). Tali fattori espongono maggiormente le famiglie del mezzogiorno al rischio di non onorare le proprie obbligazioni.<br><br>1. Obiezione: <br>pubblicare in libera fruizione per i lettori, sul sito di un centro studi, uno scritto, o una tabella, citando come fonte: 'fonti varie', è scientificamente scorretto, un mostro deontologico, perché impedisce al lettore il diritto all'esercizio del controllo formale e sostanziale di quanto riportato nella pubblicazione. Pubblicazione che perde, così, ogni scientificità, ed i suoi redattori ne acquisiscono in scarsa attendibilità.<br><br>2. Peggio: <br>pubblicare su un quotidiano economico (il Sole 24 Ore, vedi Fonte 2) uno scritto o una tabella, citando come fonte: 'fonti varie' è scientificamente scorretto e giornalisticamente inaccettabile. Perché, oltre a ledere il lettore nel suo diritto all'esercizio del controllo formale e sostanziale di quanto riportato, elude - o ignora - un Dovere del giornalista: quello di verificare sempre e comunque l'attendibilità dei contenuti delle fonti.<br>L'articolo della gentile signora Rosalba Reggio dovrebbe passare sul giornaletto della Parrocchia di Mestre. Così come in codesto giornaletto dovrebbe lavorare il suo redattore, con lei.<br><br>3. Gli indicatori.<br>A questo punto mi rivolgo direttamente a quelli che vogliono conferire al Mezzogiorno LA MAGLIA NERA.<br>a) Per definizione le famiglie non possono indebitarsi. E non ho voglia di spiegarvi il perché.<br>b) il Vostro indicatore (vedi Fonte 3) è una vera chiavica: mancano una serie di indici che – per contenuto – dovrebbero essere presenti: il patrimonio immobiliare, o il reddito aggiunto dei conviventi, il costo medio procapite alimentare, ecc ecc. Non ho voglia di dirvi come si comporterebbe il vostro indicatore di liquidità se potesse comprendere le stupidaggini che ho appena menzionato.<br>c) La qualità dell’indice di indebitamento da voi redatto non può essere trasferibile nel Mezzogiorno. Ma non ho voglia di erudirvi.<br>d) qualsiasi indicatore economico non può essere applicato indistintamente a tutte le regioni, esistono quelle a statuto speciale, e sono speciali anche nella formazione del reddito procapite e distribuito. E non ho voglia di delucidarvi.<br><br>4. Tema:<br>la maglia nera è quella che indossa, per diritto, l’ultimo nella Classifica Generale al Giro d’Italia.<br>Strano, qualcosa di strano emana a chi legge lo scritto sopra riportato, con l’analogia: pericolo di sovraindebitamento=maglia nera.<br>Un lontano odore, quasi puzza, percepisce chi legge lo scritto sopra riportato; ma sì: è una puzza, una di quelle mefitiche che avvolge il quotidiano pensare ed agire a Mestre; lì è di casa, tanto che induce i residenti a paragonare i tristi destini di una vita, di un qualsiasi padre di famiglia, o di un qualsiasi essere umano, a quelli – decisamente meno pesanti – di un atleta che, comunque, infine riceverà l’applauso degli sportivi di qualsiasi fede e casacca.<br><br>Lì, per loro<br>la Vita è una gara per non indossare la maglia nera. Si accontentano di poco, e poco hanno, in verità.<br>E quelli costretti ad indossarla sono, per Loro, deambulanti indicatori di rischio; rischio per la società seria, quella vincente. I virtuosi ai quali sentono di appartenere.<br>Per Loro, un uomo, una donna, un ragazzo, una ragazza si giudicano dalla maglia, dalla qualità del tessuto, la firma, il colore; come le auto. Come i ristoranti ed i golf club. Parallelismi, analogie, da pseudo scolarizzati, lecchini, pezzenti, con venti euro in tasca. Dicasi venti. Ed un mare di bollette in arretrato. I virtuosi. <br><br>Loro sono gente convinta <br>di lavorare, produrre, e che paga le tasse, e non vuole più sacrificare parte del proprio reddito per mantenere i nullafacenti, specie se meridionali.<br>Loro sono Imprenditori, Consulenti d’azienda, Managers.<br>Fammi ridere: a Venezia-Mestre? <br><br>Fammi ridere ancora: <br>a Venezia-Mestre?<br>Già, perché i Nostri sentenziano da una Provincia che è una vera schifezza, in termini economici e socio-demografici. Con un tasso di alcolizzati, drogati, falliti, protestati e cornuti, malattie cancerogene, inquinamento delle acque, aria irrespirabile - e fermiamoci qui - degna della Maglia color Vin Rosé del Giro del Veneto & Friuli-Venezia Giulia.<br><br>I virtuosi. <br>Ma va’ in mona.<br><br>(<br><br>Fonti:<br>1.<br>2.<br>3.<br><br>4. elaborazione e redazione:<br><br>

chi sono gli ignoranti? e chi ama i propri figli da sacrificarsi tanto?    Da grecanico a 28/09/2010 16.00
fonte: ISTAT, 2008 Italia.<br>elaborazione:<br><br>Tav. 5.12; Popolazione residente di 15 anni e oltre per titolo di studio, Anno 2008 <br> <br> Italia<br>Dottorato, laurea e diploma universitario, totale Italia 5.468.000<br><br> nord<br>Dottorato, laurea e diploma universitario, totale nord 2.558.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 46,8<br> <br> centro<br>Dottorato, laurea e diploma universitario, totale centro 1.305.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 23,9<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Dottorato, laurea e diploma universitario, totale mezzogiorno 1.605.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 29,4<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro 300.000<br>variazione % su centro 18,7<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro -953.000<br>variazione % su nord -59,4<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Dottorato, laurea e diploma universitario, media nord+centro 1.931.500<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro -326.500<br>variazione % su media nord+centro -20,3<br><br> Italia<br>Maturità, totale Italia 13.933.000<br><br> nord<br>Maturità, totale nord 6.179.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 44,3<br> <br> centro<br>Maturità, totale centro 3.093.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 22,2<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Maturità, totale mezzogiorno 4.662.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 33,5<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro 1.569.000<br>variazione % su centro 33,7<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro -1.517.000<br>variazione % su nord -32,5<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Maturità, media nord+centro 4.636.000<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro 26.000<br>variazione % su media nord+centro 0,6<br><br> Italia<br>Qualifica professionale, totale Italia 2.726.000<br><br> nord<br>Qualifica professionale, totale nord 1.851.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 67,9<br> <br> centro<br>Qualifica professionale, totale centro 436.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 16,0<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Qualifica professionale, totale mezzogiorno 439.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 16,1<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro 3.000<br>variazione % su centro 0,7<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro -1.412.000<br>variazione % su nord -321,6<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Qualifica professionale, media nord+centro 1.143.500<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro -704.500<br>variazione % su media nord+centro -160,5<br><br> Italia<br>Licenza media, totale Italia 16.109.000<br><br> nord<br>Licenza media, totale nord 7.277.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 45,2<br> <br> centro<br>Licenza media, totale centro 2.881.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 17,9<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Licenza media, totale mezzogiorno 5.952.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 36,9<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro 3.071.000<br>variazione % su centro 51,6<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro -1.325.000<br>variazione % su nord -22,3<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Licenza media, media nord+centro 5.079.000<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro 873.000<br>variazione % su media nord+centro 14,7<br><br> Italia<br>Licenza elementare, nessun titolo, totale Italia 12.720.000<br><br> nord<br>Licenza elementare, nessun titolo, totale nord 5.457.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 42,9<br> <br> centro<br>Licenza elementare, nessun titolo, totale centro 2.347.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 18,5<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Licenza elementare, nessun titolo, totale mezzogiorno 4.916.000<br>valore % sul totale Italia 38,6<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro 2.569.000<br>variazione % su centro 52,3<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro -541.000<br>variazione % su nord -11,0<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Licenza elementare, nessun titolo, media nord+centro 3.902.000<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro 1.014.000<br>variazione % su media nord+centro 20,6<br> <br>Tab. 5.3; Spesa media sostenuta dalle famiglie per l’istruzione, 2007, (euro) <br> Italia<br> Spesa media famiglie per tasse scolastiche, 2007, (euro), totale Italia € 332,0<br><br> nord<br> Spesa media famiglie per tasse scolastiche, 2007, (euro), totale nord € 355,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia 6,5<br> <br> centro<br>Spesa media famiglie per tasse scolastiche, 2007, (euro), totale centro € 329,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia -0,9<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Spesa media famiglie per tasse scolastiche, 2007, (euro), totale mezzogiorno € 300,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia -10,7<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro -€ 29,0<br>variazione % su centro -9,7<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro -€ 55,0<br>variazione % su nord -18,3<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Spesa media famiglie per tasse scolastiche, 2007, (euro), media nord+centro € 342,0<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro -€ 42,0<br>variazione % su media nord+centro -14,0<br><br> Italia<br>Spesa media famiglia per rette e simili, 2007, (euro), totale Italia € 267,0<br><br> nord<br>Spesa media famiglie per rette e simili, 2007, (euro), totale nord € 278,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia 4,0<br> <br> centro<br>Spesa media famiglie per rette e simili, 2007, (euro), totale centro € 189,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia -41,3<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Spesa media famiglie per rette e simili, 2007, (euro), totale mezzogiorno € 295,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia 9,5<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro € 106,0<br>variazione % su centro 35,9<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro € 17,0<br>variazione % su nord 5,8<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Spesa media famiglie per rette e simili, 2007, (euro), media nord+centro € 233,5<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro € 61,5<br>variazione % su media nord+centro 20,8<br><br> Italia<br>Spesa media famiglie per lezioni private, 2007, (euro), totale Italia € 133,0<br><br> nord<br>Spesa media famiglie per lezioni private, 2007, (euro), totale nord € 130,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia -2,3<br> <br> centro<br>Spesa media famiglie per lezioni private, 2007, (euro), totale centro € 121,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia -9,9<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Spesa media famiglie per lezioni private, 2007, (euro), totale mezzogiorno € 158,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia 15,8<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro € 37,0<br>variazione % su centro 23,4<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro € 28,0<br>variazione % su nord 17,7<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Spesa media famiglie per lezioni private, 2007, (euro), media nord+centro € 125,5<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro € 32,5<br>variazione % su media nord+centro 20,6<br><br> Italia<br>Spesa media famiglie per trasporto scolastico, 2007, (euro), totale Italia € 64,0<br><br> nord<br>Spesa media famiglie per trasporto scolastico, 2007, (euro), totale nord € 72,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia 11,1<br> <br> centro<br>Spesa media famiglie per trasporto scolastico, 2007, (euro), totale centro € 46,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia -39,1<br><br> mezzogiorno<br>Spesa media famiglie per trasporto scolastico, 2007, (euro), totale mezzogiorno € 67,0<br>variazione % sul totale Italia 4,5<br><br> mezzogiorno/centro<br>scarto assoluto su centro € 21,0<br>variazione % su centro 31,3<br><br> mezzogiorno/nord<br>scarto assoluto su centro -€ 5,0<br>variazione % su nord -7,5<br> <br> media del nord più il centro <br>Spesa media famiglie per trasporto scolastico, 2007, (euro), media nord+centro € 59,0<br><br> mezzogiorno/media del nord più centro<br>scarto assoluto su media nord+centro € 8,0<br>variazione % su media nord+centro 11,9<br>

Re: Partita la campagna "100 BANCHETTI" e la raccolta firme contro Brunetta    Da Gaetano a 30/09/2010 8.29
...questa mi piace!

id="article-body" class="row" section="article-body" data-component="trackCWV"> This story is part of The 2010s: A Decade in Review, a series on the memes, people, products, movies and so much more that have influenced the 2010s.    Da Norberto a 01/10/2022 21.04
id="article-body" class="row" section="article-body" data-component="trackCWV"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>This story is part of The 2010s: A Decade in Review, a series on the memes,<br>people, products, movies and so much more that have influenced the 2010s.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>From Neil Armstrong to Sally Ride, David Bowie to Stan Lee, the world has said <br>farewell to some incredible people in the last 10 years (and a few nonhumans <br>as well). Rather than try to list them all, we've chosen a select <br>group, leaning heavily on those who made a name for themselves in science, space, technology and related fields.<br><br>They can never be replaced. They can only be remembered.<br><br><br>While we stuck to 50 (humans), go ahead and use the comments to tell us about others who died in the 2010s and are sorely missed.<br><br><br><br><br><br>Steve Jobs introduces the iPad<br><br><br>James Martin/CNET<br><br><br><br>2011 <br><br>Steve Jobs <br>The co-founder of in just 56 years, helping to ignite the personal computer revolution, popularizing the <br>computer mouse, putting portable music players into millions <br>of pockets and making the smartphone mainstream. .<br><br><br><br><br><br>Dennis Ritchie <br>Ritchie was an internationally renowned computer scientist <br>who created the and made significant contributions to Unix.<br>He was found dead on Oct. 12, 2011, at the age of 70, and had been in poor health for several <br>years. <br><br><br>2012 <br><br>Carroll Shelby <br>The automotive designer and race car driver was 89 when he died of heart problems on May 10, <br>2012. <br><br><br>Ray Bradbury <br>Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles, among many other works.<br>He died after a lengthy illness on June 5, 2012, at age 91.<br><br><br><br><br>Sally Ride in zero gravity aboard the space shuttle<br><br><br>National Archives and Records Administration<br><br><br><br>Sally Ride <br>In 1983, at age 32, she became the , and she <br>remains the youngest American astronaut to make <br>that journey. Ride, who made a second trip into <br>space in 1984, also on the space shuttle Challenger, died of <br>pancreatic cancer on July 23, 2012, at age 61.<br><br><br><br>Neil Armstrong <br>Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon<br>on July 20, 1969, uttering the famous words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." <br>His previous trip into space was on Gemini 8 in 1966.<br>Armstrong died on Aug. 25, 2012, at age 82 after bypass <br>surgery. <br><br><br>Fortaleza Brazil (

It is nearly 13 centuries since the English nation first appeared in the historical record thanks to the Venerable Bede, the monk who chronicled how the Anglo-Saxons moved to Britain and became Christian. The country has changed almost unimaginably sin    Da Bonny a 03/10/2022 7.25
It is nearly 13 centuries since the English nation first appeared in the <br>historical record thanks to the Venerable Bede, the monk who chronicled how the Anglo-Saxons moved to Britain and became Christian.<br><br>The country has changed almost unimaginably since then, with waves of migration, war and industrial development remaking the landscape.<br><br><br>But a new book reveals how some remains of the Anglo-Saxon past are hiding in plain sight <br>- within great cathedrals, remote farms and even shabby council <br>estates.<br><br>Henrietta Leyser, a historian at the University of Oxford, has written Beda: A Journey Through the Seven Kingdoms in the Age of Bede as a practical guide to the medieval world - highlighting the eighth-century <br>monuments which have clung on to survival all this time.<br><br><br>In all corners of the seven ancient kingdoms known as the <br>‘Heptarchy' - Kent, Northumbria, East Anglia, Essex, Mercia, Sussex and Wessex <br>- it is still possible to catch a glimpse of the distant past.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Tour: This map shows the various locations in England and <br>Scotland where Anglo-Saxon sites dating back to the eighth century can still <br>be visited<br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br>KENT<br><br>Canterbury has been the centre of Christianity in England since 597, when St Augustine landed there on a mission from the Pope to <br>convert the Anglo-Saxons, and it remains the home of the country's most senior bishop.<br><br><br>All that remains of the Saxon city is the abbey of St Augustine's, which the <br>saint founded as a home for himself and the other monks <br>he had brought with him from Rome.<br><br>Half-surrounded by the 1960s Canterbury Christ Church University, with its entrance sitting opposite a branch <br>of Londis, the abbey is now almost totally ruined, but its sixth-century foundations are clearly visible - complete with the graves of the <br>first five Archbishops of Canterbury.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Graves: The first five Archbishops of Canterbury are all buried <br>in the ruined St Augustine's Abbey<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Remains: These towers are all that is left from the <br>Anglo-Saxon church at Reculver in Kent<br><br><br>Folkestone is best known today as an industrial port and <br>starting point of the Channel Tunnel - but it has a surprising past as the home <br>of what was believed to be the first nunnery in England.<br><br><br>Professor Leyser describes how the church of St Mary and St Eanswythe, near the town's harbour, contains a casket thought to house the remains of St <br>Eanswith, whose father was the king of Kent and who is said to have founded the <br>pioneering monastic community.<br><br><br><br>The tiny village of Reculver, on the north-east coast of Kent, is dominated by a pair of <br>giant and mysterious twin towers perched on the very edge of the shore.<br><br><br>The towers, while not built until shortly <br>after the end of the Anglo-Saxon age, are the last remnants of a Roman fort which became <br>the seventh-century church of St Mary's.<br><br>By 1805, however, the coastline had eroded so much that the church was in danger of toppling into the sea - so the local vicar had a new <br>church built further inland, with most of the original building being demolished and just the towers left to hint at what a <br>grand community Reculver once was.<br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br>NORTHUMBRIA<br><br>Abercorn, near Edinburgh, is now deep within Scotland - but during the time of <br>Bede, it was part of the kingdom of Northumbria, covering all <br>of what is now Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumbria, Northumberland and County Durham <br>as well as the Scottish Borders.<br><br>The English community in the area was destroyed by the Picts in 684, forcing abbot Trumwine to abandon Abercorn. <br>It has been part of Scotland ever since, but the local museum <br>houses part of a monumental stone cross apparently dating back to <br>its Anglo-Saxon past.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Ornate: The Bewcastle Cross is standing in the churchyard <br>of an unassuming Cumbrian village; its different faces are all <br>carved with elaborate sculpture<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Surroundings: Escomb church in County Durham is situated <br>in the middle of a small council estate<br><br><br>Bewcastle, which sits in Cumbria between Hadrian's Wall and the Scottish <br>border, was a Bronze Age settlement and a Roman fort before being occupied by the Anglo-Saxons.<br><br><br>In the churchyard of the small town there stands a huge stone <br>pillar, inscribed with artworks so overwhelming that the architectural historian Nicolaus Pevsner described <br>it - along with another similar sculpture in Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire - as ‘the greatest achievement of their date in the whole <br>of Europe'.<br><br>The monument, once the shaft of a cross, shows sculptures of biblical figures, names written in runes which Professor Leyser claims were intended to <br>provide a memorial for local residents, and a sundial which <br>is one of the earliest in England.<br><br>St John's church in Escomb, County Durham, is situated <br>in the centre of a small council estate which provides an unprepossessing setting for one <br>of the best-preserved Saxon buildings in England.<br><br>The church was built partly from Roman stones in the seventh century, and has remained substantially unaltered since its <br>foundation.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Atmospheric: Lindisfarne, also known as Holy Island, was once one <br>of England's most important monasteries<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Legacy: The Lindisfarne Gospels, now in the British Library, <br>are the best-known product of the community<br><br><br>Lindisfarne, also known as Holy Island, has long been considered one of the most atmospheric religious sites in Britain thanks to its relative isolation - it is nearly 50 miles from the nearest city, Newcastle - and the fact that it is cut off from the mainland by the tides for several hours <br>every day.<br><br>The island's monastery was set up around 635 by Aidan, an Irish monk who had <br>been asked to bring Christianity to Northumbria.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Survival: The stained-glass window at Jarrow is made from <br>glass which dates to the seventh century<br><br><br>Few traces of the Anglo-Saxon church are now left, having been largely <br>replaced by a Norman complex, but the windswept islands still form a <br>powerful impression of what the monastery would once have been like.<br><br><br>Remote as it was, it was still too cosmopolitan for seventh-century bishop Cuthbert,<br>who retreated to the nearby Farne Islands - now populated <br>only by puffins and National Trust rangers - in order to find true solitude.<br><br><br>The best-known relic of Lindisfarne is the Lindisfarne Gospels, the most ornate of all Anglo-Saxon books, <br>which was apparently written at the monastery before being taken to Durham and <br>ending up in the British Library.<br><br><br><br>Bede himself was a monk at the monasteries of <br>Wearmouth and Jarrow, twin communities situated six miles away <br>from each other between the Rivers Tyne and Wear.<br><br><br>Remarkably, parts of the Saxon churches in both places survive to this day - Wearmouth boasts surreal carved beasts in its tower, while <br>Jarrow's church contains some fragments of seventh-century stained glass, <br>which would have adorned the building back when Bede <br>worshipped there several times a day.<br><br>But while the fabric of the churches recaptures their splendid past, <br>the setting does not.<br><br>The church at Jarrow overlooks a huge industrial facility and author Simon Jenkins advises visitors to ‘blot <br>out the pylons, the factories and the modern estates' if they wish <br>to reconnect with the site's Anglo-Saxon origins.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Grand: St Paul's Church in Jarrow is the monastery where Bede lived <br>for nearly his whole life<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Wider view: The church now overlooks the giant Tyne Car Terminal which contains <br>hundreds of vehicles<br><br><br>There are few sites in England where it is possible to see traces of the pagan past which was swept away by the coming of Christianity, but Yeavering in Northumberland <br>is one of those places.<br><br>The rise of aerial photography revealed that the <br>green fields outside the village were once home to <br>the palace complex of King Edwin, with multiple <br>great halls reminiscent of the Old English epic poem Beowulf, as well as <br>a unique ‘amphitheatre' which would have enabled hundreds of people to watch religious ceremonies or meetings of magnates.<br><br><br>The skulls of dozens of oxen have been buried at the site, showing that it was used for pagan sacrifice, while Professor Leyser suggests that <br>Yeavering was later adapted for Christian purposes, with crosses erected in the <br>place of idols.<br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br>EAST ANGLIA<br><br>The city of Ely is to this day centred around the mighty cathedral.<br><br><br>The present building was constructed by the Normans in the years after <br>1066, but it has its origins in a community founded by Aethelthryth, the wife of a Northumbrian king, in 673.<br><br><br>The first home of this community was long thought to be lost - <br>but in 2006, a group of Cambridge archaeologists <br>investigated a farm on the edge of Ely and discovered 15 graves, belonging to <br>men, women and children, who may have been followers of Aethelthryth.<br><br><br>Some of the dead were buried along with valuable goods such <br>as gold, silver and glass cups, implying that they were wealthy and important <br>figures during their lives.<br><br>The site has since been covered with more than 100 houses built to capitalise <br>on the area's increasing popularity with commuters.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Historic: But what was once a monastic community on the edge of <br>Ely is now a modern housing estate<br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br>ESSEX<br><br>Barking Abbey is one of the few Anglo-Saxon sites which <br>is easily accessible on the London Underground, being just a stone's throw from the last stop on the Hammersmith & City Line.<br><br><br>The abbey - dating back to the 670s, according to Bede - was mostly destroyed <br>during the Dissolution of the Monasteries, with just one tower remaining on a patch of green land hemmed in by main roads.<br><br><br>During its heyday, the community was considered the most important nunnery in England,<br>with its members mostly aristocrats or even princesses who had rejected the secular life.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Changed: The footprint of Barking Abbey is laid out in the ground where it once stood - overlooked by a defunct Comet store and <br>a number of roads and industrial buildings<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Remote: St Peter's Chapel near Bradwell-on-Sea stands half a <br>mile from the nearest road<br><br><br>In the remotest part of Essex, overlooking the North Sea,<br>stands St Peter's Chapel near Bradwell-on-Sea.<br><br>The seventh-century building, founded by Bishop Cedd of London, is still substantially intact, <br>although parts of it have been washed away by the sea.<br><br><br>The chapel stands on its own, half a mile away from the nearest road, and over the years became so neglected that it was <br>used as a barn before being restored in 1920.<br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br>MERCIA<br><br>Breedon-on-the-Hill, in Leicestershire, seems once to have been one <br>of the most impressive settlements in Mercia - <br>the kingdom which covered the whole of the Midlands <br>between the Thames and the Humber.<br><br>The church was built during Bede's lifetime on the site of an Iron Age fort <br>atop a large hill, offering commanding views of the countryside in all directions.<br><br><br>The building standing there now is entirely post-Saxon - but <br>the architects took care to safeguard a collection of extraordinary carvings, described by one <br>expert as ‘a stone equivalent to the Lindisfarne Gospels', created during the eighth and ninth <br>centuries when Mercian power was at its peak.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Majestic: Breedon-on-the-Hill stands on a hill in Leicestershire overlooking the surrounding <br>countryside<br><br><br>At Repton in Derbyshire, the parish church is built above an Anglo-Saxon crypt, which dates back to the eighth century <br>and may contain the tomb of King Aethelbald of Mercia, a fearsome warrior who extended his power over nearly all of England.<br><br><br>Professor Leyser suggests that the burial chamber, situated on a hill above the River Trent, could <br>have been the Christian equivalent of a ‘barrow burial', an Iron Age practice which saw great rulers entombed in artificial <br>mounds allowing them to survey their lands in death.<br><br><br>The crypt was converted into a chapel of St <br>Wigstan, a member of the Mercian family who was killed in a <br>political dispute and honoured as a martyr at Repton. The later church was built around the crypt.<br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br>SUSSEX<br><br>Bosham is mentioned by Bede as the location of an monastery inhabited by an Irish monk <br>- an intriguing suggestion, if he means the same Bosham as the modern town near Chichester,<br>for there is no other evidence for the Irish church reaching so far south.<br><br><br>However, the town's main Anglo-Saxon significance is as the port <br>where Harold set off to Normandy in 1064 on the trip which would apparently see him pledge allegiance to William the Conqueror - <br>setting the scene for the latter to invade England two years later, after Harold <br>became king.<br><br>The scene, which has been hotly debated by historians, is captured in the Bayeux Tapestry, with <br>Bosham clearly marked.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Record: The Bayeux Tapestry shows King Harold riding towards the church in Bosham, <br>Sussex<br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br><br><br>BEDE, THE BRILLIANT MONK WHO GAVE THE ENGLISH AN IDENTITY <br><br>Bede (c.<br><br>673-735) was a monk from the North of England who composed the <br>first ever history of the English, just over a century after the coming of Christianity had <br>brought literacy to the Anglo-Saxons.<br><br>He was born in the Newcastle area and stayed there nearly all of his life, brought up from boyhood in the <br>great monastery at Jarrow.<br><br>Despite his limited experience of the world beyond <br>his church walls, Bede was extremely well read, versed in a Latin culture which connected him <br>to the rest of Europe, and he wrote a total of <br>30 books including biblical commentaries and theological treatises.<br><br><br>He is best known for his Ecclesiastical History of <br>the English People, an account of the coming of the <br>Anglo-Saxons to England and the subsequent spread of Christianity.<br><br><br><br>The great work is not only the first known book to treat the <br>English - then divided among several different kingdoms - as a single unified group, but it also pioneered the practice of counting dates from the birth of <br>Christ, as we still do today.<br><br>Bede - later known as ‘the Venerable' - died shortly <br>after reciting an Old English poem, and his grave is now in Durham Cathedral. <br><br><br><br><br>Advertisement<br><br><br><br><br>WESSEX<br><br>The port of Southampton, known in the Anglo-Saxon era as ‘Hamwic', was one of the most prosperous settlements <br>in England during the age of Bede.<br><br>The site, founded some time before 700, was a natural unloading place for ships coming from the Solent and heading <br>up the River Itchen, and it was apparently built to a <br>strict design with every house assigned its own plot <br>and the streets laid with gravel.<br><br>Among the many far-flung imports found during archaeological works in Southampton are continental <br>coins, French glass and tools from the Rhine - <br>showing that Anglo-Saxon England was closely connected to Europe despite the era's reputation as an economic <br>Dark Age.<br><br>The most prominent city in Wessex - which took <br>in modern-day Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset and Berkshire - was Winchester, where the first cathedral was built in the 660s.<br><br><br>The so-called ‘Old Minster' was the city's main religious site in Bede's <br>time, but around 900 Alfred the Great and his son Edward built <br>a ‘New Minster' right next to it.<br><br>The outline of the original church can now be seen in the grounds of the later cathedral.<br><br><br><br>Winchester Cathedral became the burial place for much Alfred's dynasty, and caskets said <br>to contain their bones can still be seen lining the choir <br>of the church.<br><br>Beda: A Journey Through the Seven Kingdoms in the Age of Bede, by <br>Henrietta Leyser, is published by Head of Zeus and is .<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

By Tracey Nearmy MENINDEE, Australia, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Reduced to a string of stagnant mustard-coloured pools, fouled in places with pesticide runoff and stinking with the rotting carcasses of cattle and fish, the Darling River is running dry. The p    Da Steven a 13/10/2022 4.56
By Tracey Nearmy<br><br>MENINDEE, Australia, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Reduced to a string of stagnant mustard-coloured pools, fouled in places with pesticide runoff and stinking with the rotting carcasses of cattle and fish, <br>the Darling River is running dry.<br><br>The parched earth of Australia's longest waterway, if tributaries are included, is in the grip of the continent's most severe drought <br>in a century.<br><br>(Click website to see a picture package of the Darling River.)<br><br>At Menindee, 830 km west of Sydney, despair has turned to anger as residents blame the government for exacerbating the drought by drawing down river water in 2017 for irrigation and other uses downstream.<br><br><br>Locals now avoid using tap water for drinking and washing babies and children, saying it has caused skin irritation, and prefer boxed and <br>bottled water instead.<br><br>"That was our food source, the river, our water source. That was our livelihood," <br>said Aboriginal elder Patricia Doyle, in her backyard piled with flotsam discovered in the now-exposed riverbed.<br><br><br>"When you live on a river and you have to have water brought into your town to drink and survive on, what's that saying? It's saying that our system ... isn't looked after properly."<br><br>The past two years have been the driest in the catchment <br>area of the Darling, which flows 2,844 km (1,767 miles) over <br>the outback to the sea, and adjoining Murray river since records <br>began in 1900.<br><br>Drought is weighing on economic growth, and the dire conditions have prompted Australia, a major wheat exporter, to <br>import the grain for the first time in 12 years.<br><br>Last summer was the hottest on record, and in Menindee, where temperatures regularly top 38 Celsius (100 Fahrenheit), another <br>scorching season is expected.<br><br>The government has set up a panel to evaluate water management and ordered its anti-trust watchdog to investigate trading in irrigation rights.<br><br><br>'THE RIVER SHOULD BE FLOWING'<br><br>Doyle's clan is called the Barkindji, or people <br>of the river, and in Aboriginal language, the Darling is called the Barka.<br><br><br>The river is at the heart of stories about the origins of the clan and <br>its cultural life, particularly evident in Menindee where a third of 550 residents are indigenous, compared with a national average of <br>less than 3%.<br><br>Lined with river red gums, the Darling also waters some of Australia's richest grazing <br>land, and until the construction of railways in the early 20th century, was the main route used to take wool and <br>other goods to market.<br><br>All aspects of society are now suffering.<br><br>"The river country itself, it doesn't provide as much as what it used to," says Kyle Philip, a Barkindji hunter and goat musterer.<br><br><br>Parents have forbidden children from swimming in the murky water that remains.<br>Fish caught in holes still deep enough to hold <br>water are inedible.<br><br>"We could taste the mud in the meat of the perch," said Philip.<br><br><br>"We couldn't really eat them."<br><br>Recently, Aboriginal communities held special festivals along the <br>river "to heal the Barka". Ochre-painted dancers performed around fires at dusk, revering the river but also seeking to draw attention to its plight.<br><br><br>"We're going to start dancing and singing the land," organiser Bruce Shillingsworth said.<br><br><br>"Singing the rivers, singing our environment back again to make it healthy."<br><br>And in the Anglican church at Menindee, there <br>are prayers. "The river should be flowing," said Reverend Helen Ferguson.<br><br>"When that river flows, the people are just abuzz and the whole town just comes to life. But that hasn't happened for some time now and my prayer is that people don't get worn down through that." (Reporting by Tracey Nearmy in Menindee.<br><br><br>Writing by Tom Westbrook; Editing by Karishma Singh)<br><br><br><br><br><br>

Extreme Networks says Reuters discovery leads it to believe its products were shipped to "bad actors" in Russia * Extreme Networks says it is informing U.S. authorities of export-control violation * Extreme Networks says distributor played role in "sc    Da Sherrie a 16/10/2022 5.24
Extreme Networks says Reuters discovery leads it to believe its <br>products were shipped to "bad actors" in Russia<br><br>*<br><br>Extreme Networks says it is informing U.S.<br>authorities of export-control violation<br><br>*<br><br>Extreme Networks says distributor played role in "scheme"<br><br>*<br><br>Extreme Networks supplied equipment used in MMZ Avangard's office IT systems<br><br>*<br><br>MMZ Avangard is maker of missile used in recent Ukraine attack<br><br>By Aram Roston and David Gauthier-Villars<br><br>WASHINGTON, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, American companies have been prohibited from dealing with MMZ Avangard,<br>a state-owned firm that makes missiles for one of Russia's most sophisticated weapons, the S-400 air-defense <br>system.<br><br>In a measure of Western concern about the S-400, the United States ejected Turkey, a NATO member, from a joint fighter jet program in 2019 after Ankara took delivery of the Russian system.<br><br><br>But even as the United States was taking actions to <br>blunt MMZ Avangard's business, a publicly traded American technology company, Extreme Networks, was providing MMZ Avangard with computer networking equipment for its office <br>IT systems, according to emails and other business records seen by Reuters, as well as interviews with people familiar with <br>the matter.<br><br>In a statement to Reuters, Extreme said that based on information provided by the news agency <br>it believed equipment "may have" been sold to <br>MMZ Avangard using a surrogate buyer.<br><br>Extreme said the equipment was sold without its knowledge.<br>It added, without providing evidence, that an intermediary in Russia <br>was "complicit" in supplying its products via a front company to "bad actors." Extreme said it is reporting its findings of these potential sales to U.S.<br><br>authorities.<br><br>Ukraine has accused Russia of deploying missiles made by MMZ Avangard against ground targets since Russia launched what <br>it terms its "special operation" on Feb. 24.<br>Ukrainian authorities said MMZ Avangard missiles killed at least thirty civilians in a <br>gruesome attack against a convoy on the edge of the southern city of Zaporizhzhia last <br>month.<br><br>Neither Kremlin officials nor MMZ Avangard responded to questions for this article.<br>MMZ Avangard's parent, Almaz-Antey, also didn't comment.<br><br><br><br>Between 2017 and 2021, MMZ Avangard obtained over half a million dollars' worth of Extreme equipment for its IT systems, according to the business records reviewed by Reuters and the people familiar <br>with the matter.<br><br>The products included high-speed switches, an essential building block of corporate IT networks, and software.<br><br><br>The records also show that the deals went through a seemingly innocuous corporation near Moscow, and despite two Extreme <br>officials raising concerns, the sales went forward.<br><br>That a Russian military company, identified as a threat by Washington, continued to acquire U.S.<br><br><br>computer hardware is a case study in how Western countries may <br>have overestimated their ability to choke the Russian economy with <br>export bans and trade sanctions. It also highlights how dependent Russia's military machine is <br>on U.S. high-tech equipment.<br><br>In April, six weeks after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, an Extreme employee <br>filed an internal complaint, seen by Reuters, alleging that <br>the company was selling to various military manufacturers in Russia.<br><br><br><br>"Extreme equipment is used on Russian warships," the complaint said, "in communications systems."<br><br>Extreme said in its statement that the allegations were brought by <br>a disgruntled employee. An investigation by the firm had found nothing <br>to corroborate any of the claims until Reuters brought "new facts" <br>to the company's attention this month.<br>The company said it ceased operations in Russia in March, adding that it subsequently launched <br>a process to dismiss the disgruntled employee for poor performance.<br>It said it has no records of sales involving Russian warships.<br><br><br>Extreme, which trades on the NASDAQ exchange and is <br>headquartered in Morrisville, North Carolina, has earned a solid reputation in the United States and is <br>an official partner of the National Football League.<br><br><br>The NFL declined to comment for this article.<br><br>A Reuters investigation in August found that while the United States and allies banned high-tech exports <br>to Russia to try to cripple its defense industry, and many tech companies announced <br>that they had halted exports to Russia, the flow of Western brand-name <br>computer parts to Russian clients hasn't stopped.<br><br><br>This account of how Extreme supplied MMZ Avangard and at <br>least two other Russian military companies is based on interviews <br>with three people familiar with the shipments as well as a review by Reuters of <br>documents spanning five years to 2021.<br><br>The documents include sales records and email exchanges between Extreme employees,<br>customers and distributors. The shipments are reported <br>here for the first time.<br><br>The U.S. Department of Commerce, which administers export restrictions, declined to comment for this story.<br><br><br>"IT WAS NECESSARY TO USE COVER"<br><br>Russian companies, including those in the military sector,<br>have virtually no choice but to buy foreign equipment to build the computer <br>networks necessary for modern-day business.<br><br>Russia has very limited domestic production of networking equipment.<br><br><br>Founded in 1996, Extreme is a junior player in the computer networking industry.<br>Last year, it posted revenue of $1.1 billion, compared with $50 billion for <br>Cisco Systems.<br><br>Still, the smaller company is a "meaningful competitor," according to Alex <br>Henderson, a network and security analyst at Needham and Company in New York.<br><br>The U.S. military as well as NASA use Extreme hardware and support, <br>according to contracting records, and the company has built up <br>a substantial marketing profile.<br><br>In Russia, as well, Extreme lists prestigious customers, <br>such as the Ministry of Health, the federal pension fund and Lomonosov Moscow State University.<br><br><br><br>But according to documents seen by Reuters,<br>other buyers of Extreme equipment included not just MMZ Avangard <br>but a major Russian military shipbuilding company <br>and a high-tech defense electronics manufacturer.<br><br><br>One of the documents shows that in the four years ending <br>2020, Russian customers purchased $41.5 million worth of equipment.<br><br><br>Reuters couldn't determine Extreme's total sales to <br>sanctioned or military firms because it wasn't clear if <br>transactions other than those involving MMZ Avangard had been recorded under <br>cover names.<br><br>In its statement to Reuters, Extreme said it doesn't report country specific revenue.<br><br><br>In Russia, Extreme maintained contacts with its customers in order to help design complex <br>networks that expand over time, according to two of the people familiar with the matter.<br><br><br><br>Each customer or potential buyer had its own account manager at the company and was <br>listed on internal sales records. Actual sales, though, <br>were done through authorized intermediaries.<br><br>Extreme, in its statement to Reuters, said it rarely provided direct <br>installation services.<br>It said it had no such contracts with DEMZ or MMZ Avangard.<br><br><br>In its statement, Extreme said it has a "firm policy" not to work with <br>sanctioned entities, but added it isn't always notified of <br>the end customer, especially when its products are sold through so-called "stocking" distributors that hold an inventory.<br><br><br>Extreme named one of those distributors as RRC and said <br>it believed RRC was "complicit" in the scheme to <br>supply MMZ Avangard.<br><br>RRC and its Cyprus parent, BD Enterprise Networking didn't respond to messages from Reuters seeking comment.<br><br><br>For Russian military companies, Extreme equipment had a strong selling point, the three people familiar with the shipments <br>said: Unlike larger rivals, Extreme doesn't require service subscriptions and frequent software <br>updates.<br>"It is absolutely autonomous," one of the people said of the equipment.<br>"It works without a license and you don't even need to be connected to the internet." This means, <br>another person said, that "you don't need to fear that your system will go dark because someone in the U.S. decided to disconnect you."<br><br>Extreme said that the "autonomous model" is not unique to the company, but acknowledged it <br>has become relatively rare.<br><br>It was no secret in Russia that MMZ Avangard used Extreme equipment.<br><br><br>In late 2019, the missile manufacturer issued a tender through Russia's online public procurement platform, <br>saying it needed spare parts for the Extreme computer networks it <br>possessed. Extreme didn't dispute this but said it wouldn't necessarily be aware of <br>such a tender.<br><br>A few months before, in the summer of 2019, an intermediary had <br>contacted Extreme's representative office in Russia, asking for advice on a network upgrade for the missile company, the documents show.<br><br><br>"We are working on a solution for the customer, MMZ Avangard," an employee of the intermediary wrote in a June 28, 2019, email to an Extreme system engineer.<br>"I was told that I could seek your help."<br><br>As soon as its equipment arrived in Moscow, Extreme dispatched <br>a staff engineer to MMZ Avangard's offices to help ensure a smooth installation, one of the people familiar with the shipments said.<br><br><br>In its statement to Reuters, Extreme said it had no records of <br>an Extreme employee installing equipment at MMZ Avangard.<br><br><br>When it came to processing MMZ Avangard's purchasing orders, the missile maker's name didn't appear on Extreme's books.<br><br><br>Instead, Extreme's Moscow employees recorded the orders as having <br>been placed by a company called OOO DEMZ, according to emails and sales records, as well <br>as three people familiar with the matter.<br><br>"It was necessary to use a cover because the Russian company is blacklisted in the U.S.," one of the people familiar <br>with the shipments said.<br>It has been illegal for U.S. companies to do business with MMZ <br>Avangard since July 2014, when the U.S. Treasury Department listed its parent company, Almaz-Antey, as a "blocked" entity.<br>The Treasury declined to comment for this story.<br><br>MMZ Avangard began buying products from Extreme in December <br>2017 and was disguised under the DEMZ cover in Extreme business records <br>from that date, according to emails and other documents seen by Reuters.<br><br><br>The most recent transaction using the DEMZ cover that Reuters identified was in September 2021.<br><br>In total, the records show that Extreme shipped goods worth about $645,000 in this way during that period.<br><br><br>Extreme, in its statement, said it now believes that its equipment may have been acquired <br>through a "front company." Extreme confirmed that the DEMZ account listed product purchases <br>for approximately $645,000.<br><br>DEMZ is a small company based in Dmitrov, a city 50 miles north of Moscow.<br><br><br>Russian corporate records list Vladimir Markov as its general director.<br>Reached by phone, Markov said that DEMZ, which made <br>tools for railcar maintenance, ceased all operations in 2016.<br>The executive said he had never heard of Extreme or of DEMZ buying Extreme equipment for itself or on behalf of others.<br><br><br>The apparent ruse was a shallow one.<br>Purported executives for DEMZ, listed in the Extreme customer records seen by Reuters, were actually employees of the missile <br>maker who had provided their MMZ Avangard email addresses.<br>They even included the Avangard email addresses when they applied for access to an Extreme <br>customer service portal.<br><br>One of these people declined to comment. The other <br>couldn't be reached. Some of the documents also listed - <br>MMZ Avangard's domain name - as DEMZ's purported web address.<br><br><br>On the last day of 2019, as a "DEMZ" order was winding through <br>Extreme's approval system, an Extreme sales manager working in North <br>Carolina emailed RRC, the Russian distributor, with a <br>question about the domain name: "Can you tell me what the relationship is between DEMZ and" <br>An employee of the distributor responded that was "the customer's" domain. The employee didn't elaborate.<br><br><br>A subsequent message indicates that the sale went <br>through.<br><br>Extreme, in its statement, did not address questions about MMZ <br>Avangard staff registering for access to online support, and an Extreme <br>sales manager raising questions about the web domain.<br><br>Nearly a year later, dealing with another set of "DEMZ" orders, an employee <br>from Extreme's in-house compliance desk in Ireland spotted the domain in the sales paperwork and researched it.<br><br><br>"This link," the compliance team employee said in a Nov. 11, 2020, email,<br>"goes directly to website which is a defense contractor seemingly to specialize in ground to air missile systems, we need to further review before we can make a decision."<br><br>Extreme, in its statement, also did not address questions about this email.<br><br><br>"GOOD NEWS"<br><br>The Extreme compliance employee instructed the Russia <br>office to have "DEMZ," the purported customer, fill out a form to certify there was no military end-user, that <br>the equipment would not be resold for any military purpose, and <br>that it would not be transferred to any sanctioned company.<br><br><br>Less than a week after the message from the Extreme compliance <br>employee, a two-page letter seen by Reuters attested that the <br>end-user was not sanctioned, and would not use Extreme's equipment in a way banned by <br>U.S.<br><br>law. Bearing an illegible signature and a blue "DEMZ" stamp, <br>the document was sent to Extreme's compliance desk, according to <br>one of the people familiar with the matter.<br><br>DEMZ's business, according to the purported self-declaration, had nothing to do with sophisticated missiles.<br><br><br>Rather it was "components for the Metalworking of country houses." DEMZ never made such components and was out of business <br>at the time of the letter, according to former <br>director general Markov.<br><br>"Just heard back from our supply team for the DEMZ orders," <br>emailed the North Carolina manager on Nov.<br><br>25 "with some good news."<br><br>The sales could go through.<br><br>"Thank you," Extreme's Vienna-based regional director for Northern and Eastern Europe wrote.<br><br><br><br>U.S. export control specialists told Reuters self-declarations can be useful in determining whether a client <br>is legitimate.<br>However, upon coming across a red flag, "you stop or put on hold the transaction," said James Fuller, a former special agent with <br>the U.S. Department of Commerce. "You don't offer an avenue to provide more false information, or suggest some kind of workaround."<br><br>Extreme in its statement to Reuters confirmed that its internal compliance officer had requested and <br>received the self-declaration. The company added that it has "other screening processes to check for red flags."<br><br>SHIPBUILDING<br><br>In Russia, Extreme supplied IT equipment to other military companies,<br>according to the business documents seen by Reuters and the <br>people familiar with the matter.<br><br>One of them was United Shipbuilding Corp.<br><br><br>The company has headquarters in St. Petersburg and operates a host of Russian shipyards, <br>making everything from frigates to submarines to mine sweepers.<br>Like MMZ Avangard, United Shipbuilding has been listed as a "blocked" entity by the U.S.<br>Treasury since July 2014.<br><br>Another one was Concern Morinformsystem-Agat, a <br>manufacturer of radar and other military electronics systems.<br><br>According to the documents, including a July 2020 public tender,<br>and one of the people familiar with the matter, Agat was relying on equipment from Extreme for some of its systems, which were then fitted on United Shipbuilding <br>warships.<br><br>Extreme told Reuters it had no records of selling products to United Shipbuilding or Agat.<br><br><br>The Russian companies did not respond to requests for comment.<br><br><br>United Shipbuilding is clearly described as an Extreme customer in email correspondence.<br>In April 2020, an intermediary contacted Extreme's office in Moscow to submit the <br>plan the intermediary had sketched out to modernize United Shipbuilding's data center.<br><br><br>A Russia-based engineer from Extreme responded the next day, pointing to a few items that could be removed from the proposed design.<br><br>"Apart from that, it's all correct," the Extreme engineer wrote in the email.<br><br><br><br>(additional reporting by Maurice Tamman in New York)<br><br><br><br><br><br>Escort Itaberaí Brazil

As NSW councils face increased costs delivering services, rates are set to rise after the regulator approved increases, with the largest hikes reserved for councils experiencing a population surge. The Independent Pricing And Regulatory Tribunal (IPART    Da Bradley a 20/10/2022 20.05
As NSW councils face increased costs delivering services, rates <br>are set to rise after the regulator approved increases, <br>with the largest hikes reserved for councils <br>experiencing a population surge.<br><br>The Independent Pricing And Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has set the 2023-24 base <br>rate peg at 3.7 per cent for most councils but green lit an increase of up to <br>6.8 per cent for Camden Council, a growth area southwest of Sydney.<br><br><br><br>The rate peg limits the total amount councils can increase rates each <br>year to protect ratepayers from excessive increases.<br><br><br>"Higher inflation means that councils are facing increased costs in delivering services to the communities they serve," IPART Chair Carmel Donnelly <br>said in a statement on Thursday.<br><br>"We have taken these increased costs into consideration while also trying to limit the level of rate increases that ratepayers are facing," she said.<br><br><br>IPART does not set the actual rates that households and businesses pay - that decision is made by individual councils.<br><br><br>Councils must ensure any increase stays within the rate peg limit.<br><br><br><br>IPART is reviewing the methodology it will use to set the <br>rate peg from 2024-25 and is calling for public submissions until November 4.<br><br><br>"We will be looking at new approaches to setting the rate peg that reflect, as far as possible, changes in inflation and local government costs, while continuing to protect ratepayers from excessive rate increases," Ms Donnelly said.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

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dicembre 2008
ottobre 2008


Ti riconosci solo nel Sud del sottosviluppo, della criminalità organizzata, del degrado socio-ambientale e degli atteggiamenti incivili?

Noi c'identifichiamo nel Sud della gente onesta, operosa, intelligente, che è la maggioranza della popolazione meridionale.
Noi crediamo nel Sud della legalità, della cultura, della sana ed efficiente imprenditorialità, della ricerca avanzata, delle professioni e del grande ed eccezionale patrimonio artistico.
Noi sappiamo che il Sud è stato tra i principali protagonisti della storia e della civiltà mediterranea ed europea.

Morti per la LEGALITA'. Morti per la LIBERTA'. Morti per UN ALTRO SUD.



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